Hello world!

#include <iostream>
void main()
std::cout << “Hello World” << std::endl;

I have merged my old blogspot blog with this wordpress blog on my new website, so all posts after this one are OLD – as in, before I started higher education.
I added this stuff because I think it’s a nice way of documenting the progress I made over the last few years. 😀

Author: Leah Lindner

Hi, you are looking at the portfolio of a German-English game developer with a focus on graphics programming. I love finding out how things work and visualizing them in a creative way using computer technology. I first became interested in computer graphics when I started creating 3D art using Blender in 2008. After majoring in programming at secondary school and also teaching myself digital painting, I moved to Belgium to take a Bachelor in Digital Arts and Entertainment. Following work on projects in both film and video games, I have increasingly focused on graphics programming, and moved to Brighton to work as a GameDev at Electric Square.

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